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      A 4everW.O.D. is 4everBod's version of the classic "workout of the day" term used in most CrossFit gyms.  4everBods takes a slightly different approach to W.O.D. programming, as we focus more on strength training than a traditional CrossFit gym does, with every month having a specific primary focus. Paired with our strength training is metabolic conditioning, "MetCon" for short.  MetCons are typically what we finish our workout with on the days where we have it, and it accomplishes two goals:

1. It increases our cardiorespiratory capacity, and overall fitness level.

2. It sucks- it is physical "suffering"-a way for us to take control of our stress and how we respond to it.

"When you suffer more on purpose, you will suffer less on accident." -Coach Jonny

     Here is an example of a 4everW.O.D!

In January 2022, our primary focus was back squat! 

Click the link to gain access to all 4everWODs programming! ->



Primary Strength 1


2 min. Bike, Ski, or Row

2 rounds-

5 PVC Overhead Squats (3-2-1-1)

10 Russian Baby Makers

5 Inchworms-Worlds Greatest Stretch


A) Back Squat:

4x8 (build to a heavy)


B1) Barbell Strict Press:


B2) Barbell Pull Up Negative:

3x5 (3-2-1-1)



10 min. AMRAP

10 Thrusters

10 Rotational Med Ball Slams




Metcon pic_edited.jpg
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